President Emily Kong lead members PP T. Sriskanda, PP Peter Lip, PP Dr. Martin, Hari Singh, V. Sreedaran Nair, Evonne Chen, Mohd Said@ Mosa, Wilson Wong, Richard Wong, N. Rathakrishnan and Dato’ Zullkiffley to Kpg Pawong to witness handling over the renovated Community Hall and to put up a legacy signage for the project.
The event was also graced by First Vice District Governor Dato’ Ir. Neo Say Yeow and District GST Coordinator Michel Yee.
Lion Mohd Said@Mosa was the Organising Chairperson.
The event was also graced by First Vice District Governor Dato’ Ir. Neo Say Yeow and District GST Coordinator Michel Yee.
Lion Mohd Said@Mosa was the Organising Chairperson.
Wonder if the guy in blue baju melayu is which yb??
ReplyDeleteSorry, he is not. Its our Organising Chairperson Mohd Said @ Mosa
DeleteOh sorry than mr mohd look a bit familiar to me.sorry
ReplyDeleteNo worries. Sometimes people do have similar faces.