Sunday, 16 July 2017

Renovation of Community Hall and Placement of Lions Signage at Kpg. Pawong, Pos Slim

President Emily Kong lead members PP T. Sriskanda, PP Peter Lip, PP Dr. Martin, Hari Singh, V. Sreedaran Nair, Evonne Chen, Mohd Said@ Mosa, Wilson Wong, Richard Wong, N. Rathakrishnan and Dato’ Zullkiffley to Kpg Pawong to witness handling over the renovated Community Hall and to put up a legacy signage for the project.

The event was also graced by First Vice District Governor Dato’ Ir. Neo Say Yeow and District GST Coordinator Michel Yee.

Lion Mohd Said@Mosa was the Organising Chairperson.


  1. Wonder if the guy in blue baju melayu is which yb??

    1. Sorry, he is not. Its our Organising Chairperson Mohd Said @ Mosa

  2. Oh sorry than mr mohd look a bit familiar to me.sorry


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