Tuesday, 29 August 2017


        It all began in 1992 during the term of Past President (PP) Lion T. Sriskanda.
        The late father of PP Ex Lion Andy Lim Chong Soo, Lim Kian Huat had decided to donate a piece of land at RPT Batu 8 Tambahan 1 measuring 5321 sq. ft to the club since he was the developer of the scheme for the government.

        The members were very happy and immediately started a building fund to the raise monies for the Lion’s Home under the chairmanship of Past President the late Lion Lau Man Wah.

        Since the said land at the time was a RPT land, it could only be given to individuals.

        The club at that time decided to nominate PP Lion Dato’ Dr. Foo Wan Kien a Lion of more than twenty years (now forty years) as its trustee.

        All the members were anxious for the issuance of the title for the said land. The title was finally issued in 2002 but by which time the interest and enthusiasm of the 90’s had diminished and the HOME was hardly talked about at the meetings by the members.

        New members came and all of them hardly knew of the existence of the said land and the decision to build the HOME. In a nutshell one can say that the spark/fire that had burnt brightly in the 1990’s had nearly diminished.

        In the year 2011, PP Lion Ir. Foo Wan Shoon came forward and encouraged our members to continue with the dream of our HOME. The children with special needs from the Ray of Hope needed a Home and the Club was going to build a HOME for these children.

        As such with much gusto and now with an aim and a purpose, the members lead by PP Lion Ir. Foo Wan Shoon went about their task of reviving the HOME. Plans were drawn and architect appointed and the pilling work commenced.

        The Club on its 46th Anniversary even had a ground breaking ceremony which was attended by Past International Director Hajjah Ellis Suriyati Haji Omar on 25th Feb 2012.

        At that time it dawned on the members that the title issued in 2002 was not taken from the relevant authorities until 2012.

        Upon enquiries at the Land Office about the original title, it was no longer there. There was no record on who took the title since it was ten long years ago.

        PP Lion Dato’ Dr Foo Wan Kien now already a Past District Governor immediately applied for a new title and with the resources available to him obtained it on 8th April 2013.

        Thereafter again the project came to a standstill although pilling work was done on the said land.

        Things did not move, until the 50th President of the Lions Club of Ipoh Host Lion Emily Kong Phooi Lai took office. In the meantime some members felt it was time to amend the club’s constitution so that the said land can be transferred to the Club and the current owner PDG Lion Dato’ Dr. Foo Wan Kien had executed all relevant documents for the transfer.

        Things began to unfold rather quickly thereafter, PP Lion T. Sriskanda then decided to assist PP Lion Ir.  Foo Wan Shoon who came back to be the Organising Chairperson. A kind hearted developer, Dato’ Doh Jee Ming, a personal friend of PP Lion T. Sriskanda came forward to complete the HOME for a sum of only RM230,000.00 of which he personally donated RM30,000.00 .
        Things were moving now that there was excitement in the air and the Lions spirit was there for its member and everyone to see.

        On 18th December 2015 after numerous visits by the club’s secretary PP Lion Peter Lip Yoke Heem to the Registrar of Societies (ROS), the ROS allowed the amendment to the Club’s constitution.

        The Club then applied for the state consent to transfer the said land from PDG Dato’ Dr. Foo Wan Kien to the Lions Club of Ipoh Host on 22nd Dec 2015.

        The application was not accepted at the beginning due the some queries that the Land Office had and after answering the queries by PP Lion T. Sriskanda it was finally approved on 1st Feb 2016 and the said land WAS FINALLY transferred to Lions Club of Ipoh Host on 3rd Feb 2016.

        The Lions Home was completed in May, 2016 and the certificate of fitness was issued on 26th July, 2016. The members raised the funds to pay the kind hearted developer who agreed to build first and collect his payment later. The most generous donors’ names have been inscribed on a plaque at the HOME together with the name of the donor of the land.
        It has indeed taken nearly 24 years from the time of donation of the said land for the HOME to come true.

        At the Club’s 51st Installation ceremony on 13th August, 2016, the club signed a long term Tenancy Agreement with the Ray of Hope for RM100.00 per annum.

        The Ray of Hope has obtained all approvals from the local council to date. Now they are awaiting the final approval from the Welfare Department to commence their operations at the HOME.

        Along the way, this dream which most senior members thought would be an impossible dream has now finally come true in the club’s 50th year of service to the community.

        For this the club must thank the many generous lions and well-wishers who have come forward to assist the club to achieve this dream.

        Indeed as the memorable song goes, the club and its members have finally reached the ‘UNREACHABLE STAR’ with the completion of the HOME in the name of the LIONS CLUB OF IPOH HOST.


  1. Hello there again,

    So, the waiting is over. I didn't read it yet because it already late here. Will read later.

    Just want to say thank you for your team amazing work for your eager readers.

    Congratulation, i believe its worth to read.

    Amethyst Richardson

  2. Such a WOW story. I realize that the name of PP Lion T. Sriskanda play a very important role in this together with PDG Dato Dr. Foo Wan Kien and PP Lion Foo Wan Shoon. PP T. Sriskanda still active in supporting various club projects as reported in the blog. Such a great example.

  3. Here come the end for a long waiting.

    I wish blogger have emoticon so I can put a lot of thumbs up here.

    It is indeed a long journey to you guys, but for having few of you who always try to light the fire and support, it must be a great accomplishment to finally see it operate.

  4. Hello Admin (person in charge),

    As expected, such a wonderful story. One day you should put up a photo with those children having their activities at LIONS HOME.

    Such a great effort, those senior Lions must be very proud. As Matthew said, I myself do recognise few name which I belive to be a very active Lions in your club.

    Their support together with others Lion is the root for your club success.

    Congratulation again. And please don't stop here, the community still need you guys. Believe me, the story that you told, don't think it as a small story, it could be an inspiration to others. It could spark a fire somewhere. Good deeds will continue.

    Amethyst Richardson

    1. Thanks Amethyst. You are also an inspiration to us with your very encourgaing comments.

    2. Such a quick reply.

      The things I said based on my reading on internet. Your projects and activities is a prove of your effort towards community.

      "You play your role my child, you've done your part, no matter how small it is, it is meaningful"

      Trust me, those simple thanks will draw more people to you.

      Thank you, for taking time to read and reply.

      Amethyst Richardson

  5. I read it!!!
    24years is a very long time.glad it didnt stop u all from make it real.my daddy told me that i should read the story carefully n i can learn alot from it.when i come back from my family holiday i will print ur story n read it again n again.
    Thank u 4 the story.thank u for being a very very nice person.i know i said it a lot here.but u r very nice.tqvm

    1. Thank you very much, Syuan Yan. Hope there is a lesson somewhere in the story that will benefit you in life.

  6. “Just because you took longer than others, doesn't mean you failed.” ― Daniel Friday

  7. My daddy told me maybe god hve plan 4u.look like a beautiful coincidence that u get the home on ur golden years n lion centennial years 4 it 2 b a centennial legacy project.n u know what.i think my daddy is right.

  8. Hello,

    1. Your club is so lucky to have such wonderful members who always aim to make the dream come true. I think people who inspire others to keep going are wonderful and to have many of them in your club must be amazing.

    2. I am amazed that you still keep record of each meaningful date towards the journey of your HOME since 24 years is such a long time.

    3. All of this make me feel more excited in knowing your club. Not just the history, but also your future plan.

    4. Please know that what you have done actually inspire others to do something good for our community too. Maybe, with this story, you had inspire others to do more.

    Thank you. Have a nice day.

  9. Not only those children, their parents will also appreciate what you have done.

    I bet the opening will be emotional for those amazing Lions (you know who you are)


    1. Thanks and yes you are right Jayden, we are waiting for that day.

  10. I saw this building yesterday at bercham area right?wondering what is lions home so i google it today.great story.

  11. Didnt know that lions club is very active in malaysia.anyway gd job!thumbs up.things like this should get more recognation.

    1. Wow u actually listen to your readers request.this a very good story.should be an inspiration and example to others.i enjoy reading the story and also the comments.and i do agree with anon there “Just because you took longer than others, doesn't mean you failed.” ― Daniel Friday.


    2. Thanks Adam. Glad you enjoyed reading about our Lions Home.

  12. Good day.
    Seems that LIONS CLUB OF IPOH HOST have a lot of fans.i read your history too. Such a senior club. I didnt think i ever come a cross a web,tweet,fb from senior club.usually young club involve in social media.but as a senior club, u have a lot of story that should be told.and social media is a great tool for that.dont let the history forgotten.
    Have a nice day.

  13. Amazing story. Couldn't wait to see what more you'll achieve.

  14. Here another story for you Jenn. The way of history presentation is really good.

    Thank you Lions Club. Thanks for allowing me to share your wonderful story. Thank you and all the best to you.

  15. merci beaucoup . thank you very much .

    félicitations . congratulation .

    Thank you for your kindness.

    Cogratulation on your efford for making the world a better place.

    James . *143*

  16. You too are welcome Jenn. Thanks for your kind words.

  17. Another great job from another Lions Club. Isn't it wonderful to serve our community. Congratulation. Great example of the Power of We.


  18. Oh. I c this building otw 2 work everyday. But don't know what it is for. Btw congrats Lions Club of Ipoh Host. I think my aunty got bags from u all at Buntong market earlier this year.

  19. Thank you Anon. Yes we did distribute recycle bags at the Buntong market in May.

  20. I like the way you present the story. Like rollercoaster ride. When it officially open, you should make a full entry and video of the history. Its good to sometime look back and appreciate the journey.

    Good luck.

    1. Thank you Irine. We shall try our best at the opening ceremony.

  21. Its the beautiful way of serving. Should name a few room inside the home with those hero name, T. Sriskanda, Foo Wan Shoon, Peter Lip because they are the main hero who make the dream alive.

    1. The names you mention are directly or indirectly there in the donors list Brian.Thanks for the thought anyway.

  22. A good example to others. There's always up and down to make something came true. Well, there'll be no rainbow without rain right.

  23. Bravo!!!

    Just like everything else in this world, dont forget all those little efford towards the success of this project. Those tiny little things sometime play a very important role. Just like our smartphone today. Those tiny part in it sometime hold a lot of information.

    Dont forget to update the progress too.

    Keep roaring Lions!!

    1. Yes. Every little bit helped to build this Home, 35th year Lion. You too please keep on roaring.

  24. The future look bright for those children of Ray of Hope.


  25. I wonder which story is the famous one. I think both, but many people interested about the HOME.

    Well, i wish your club will gain more and more in order to make our world a better place. Keep shining and sharing the light of yours.

  26. Great effort. Thanks god for people like you still exist in this world.

    Keep the spark burning!

  27. This post of yours actually close to my heart because of my child. At some place, its just hard to find suitable place for them to do their activities. So Ray of Hope Malaysia must be lucky to have you. I hope your club will continue to serve others and more in your community.

  28. I think you guys organise activities at the home last year. And also a meeting if I'm not mistaken. You should upload few photos of inside the house too.

    Hopefully they gain the approval soon

    1. The Home at present is bare. Once the license has been obtained and it is furnished we shall then post some photos on this blog.

  29. Please also share the story with us when the opening caremony happen.

  30. I think we all ready for the next chapter, a dream come true.

    Congratulation on the effort taken. Its not easy, but it can be done.

  31. Can't wait for the grand opening (I'm same like others) just an idea, maybe you can create some commemorative item when that event happen.

    1. We too, Juliana. On the commemorative item, lets see what we can do.

  32. I agree with the idea.its a rare occasion, which will open a new chapter in ur history. Good to hve something special to remember this special event.

  33. I got a feeling that the day is not that far. Hopefully everything went well and we going to received the good news soon.

    Till that day come. Cheers!

  34. Yeay.not that far from the opening caremony.can i ask,can outsider come too at the opening caremony??

  35. Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame. And through your blog, I think, we can detect few names which always provide the flame. Congratulation to those. You are amazing!

  36. Hello there,

    Opening ceremony by Christmas this year?

    Should we start the countdown? Hopefully God will ease it all for them and you. Looking forward for it.

    Amethyst Richardson.

  37. I am sure that this will be a big event for your club.

    We tend to forget sometime, but never forget those small step and people behind it who make this history possible. There's always a kickstart point where sometime we need someone/others to point it out for us. Imagine what happen if that moment/someone didnt or cant start it. An appreciation always bring a smile.

    Good luck and congratulations.

    1. Thanks Emilia both for your good wishes and also your advise.

  38. A good history. Worth reading. Congratulation.

  39. Another amazing story. Thumbs up for the effort. I also enjoy reading all the comments. It seems that your club have an amazing PR manager, always answering all the question. Good job. Congratulation.

    Also, with that popular demand, you need to be ready to update us with lots of picture and video when the opening of HOME took place this Dec.

    Fingers crossed that the approval wiĺl be granted ASAP.

    1. Yes, Anon. We have to be on our toes to reply the comments asap. Sorry we are late with yours.

      Thank you for your comments.

    2. Dont feel sorry man. You are great.

  40. Don't say sorry for a late reply! We all know it takes some of our time to maintaining a blog or others social media stuff. Unless you are full time webmaster(or teenagers with social media hormone or celebrities)! I kid you not, I do know the struggle.

    I also read your previous blog which actively and lively report all your club activities. Trust me, it is fun to sit back and just scroll down to read what you have done to make this world a better place.

    Keep on doing the things you do. Who know maybe you inspire others to do something better at their side anyway.

    And good luck for the HOME. Its like i can smell success coming their way to you.


    1. Dear Amy,

      1. Thanks for your understanding of the tasks faced by the webmasters.

      2. Thanks for your inspiring words. It will surely motivate us. We have 5 projects set for next week.

      3. We are really hoping the Ray of Hope get their license from the welfare department by X'Mas.

  41. 5 projects next week? That is crazily active! Way to go!

    On side note, maybe you can set up a chat room on the sidebar of your blog. Will be fun to have a chat with you and others. It's kind of long stroll to scroll this famous post. Haha

    1. Yes, Anon. Watch this blog. The 5 projects will be posted as and when it takes place this coming week.

      We will try to add in a chatbox/shoutbox on the sidebar. For the time being, kindly scroll the long post.

  42. Hello,

    Having a shoutbox will be a good thing, since you already have more than 80 comments here. Will be fun if during the opening of the HOME, you can update it live with us.

    Do you mind if I ask, is there are activities that you organise open to public? Can others join them? Beside the Hunger Project.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Yes Amethyst, some of our projects are open to the public. Some we organise with other voluntary organizations.We are flexible when carrying out our activities.

  43. wow the struggle is real. for something that took 24 years, you must have a strong determined persons to make things keep on track. congratulation.

    PS R: ;)

  44. Should add more photo by the way. But it's a very heartwarming story. Such a noble act. Keep it up. Maybe a second home on the next 50 years, who know right.

    1. Thanks Zinnia. We are now concentrating on our youths the Leo Clubs.

  45. Your hardwork and dedication is a real struggle sir. But it must be satisfying now to see how it became real. Good Job.

  46. Such an amazing journey. Can't wait till the opening. がんばって ください!

  47. Its a privilage to know the inside story sir. Wish you all the best.

  48. Its hard to stay motivate for 24 years. But you guys made it. Congratulations.

    How is the application for approval so far? Hopefully its not that long to gain it. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Monica, still waiting for final approval from welfare department.

  49. Hello,

    I am waiting for this. I am the first to comment in here and now I am here again as comment number 100. Am I right?

    Such a pleasure to know Lions Club of Ipoh Host, to read and enjoy your journey. And such a delightful experience to interact with you, Admin (still don't know your gender).

    I believe with the opening of HOME, you are shining a light to more people out there.

    I hope that the future will create more colourful story for your club. Be proud Lions Club of Ipoh Host. You are amazing!

    Amethyst Richardson

    1. You are right. You enabled us to hit the century mark. Thank you very much Amethyst.

      We also thank you for words of encouragement and we shall always consider you as a beacon of light to show us new paths.

  50. Wow this post is so famoouss then. Let see how the opening post when the time come.

    1. Yes, Adam indeed it is and we too hope we can do something special for the opening of the HOME.

  51. Congratulation on your club contribution for the Centennial Legacy Project. ROAR! ROAR! ROAR!

  52. We all enjoy a good story. A story can put your whole brain to work.

    Telling stories can lead to more achievement.


  53. Hello,

    A thank you for thank you.

    Remember those challenges, remember people who ease it for you. Those people deserve an appeciation.

    May God ease that one last tiny challenge for you all.

    Thank you.

    Amethyst Richardson

  54. It is truly a long post and a long list of comments.

    Seem like the opening is not that far anyway.

    1. Yes Lyne. It is indeed a long post but we enjoyed all the encouragement given to us in the postings.

  55. Just wondering how u guys maintain all the readers. You must have a great team since every question got an answer and every activity got a report. Thumbs up to ur group.

  56. Great story. I've been in Bercham before, never heard about Lions there, maybe because I was young when I' m in Malaysia. Anyway, don't stop here. There's more to do. Good luck.

    Schätzen die Vergangenheit, genießen Sie heute, planen Sie für die Zukunft.

  57. Thank you. Glad that you think it is a masterpiece.

  58. Hello, I came here from FB because the introduction in FB sound interesting. And it is an interesting story, such a long journey, but it pay off isn't it? Hopefully the opening will be as you are planning. Good luck and all the best.

  59. Wow. This should be an inspiration. As a reminder to don't stop, never lost hope, keep fighting till you get it.

    I also love the idea of doing commemorative item. For something this big, sure you all need some souvenir to make it more special right.

    Till the opening ceremony. Cheers!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Natalie.

      We have not decided on the special souvenir yet.

  60. "A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work"

    We read your hardwork in here, now we hope we can read the glory of the opening ceremony soonest.


    1. You are right Canice.

      Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  61. When i read your reply towards readers comments, i think i also learn few things about your club.

    You have so much amazing people in the club. Keep inspiring others to serve. Well done Ipoh Host.

  62. 1stly, congratulation tu Admin who always there to answer every single question and comments by the readers. Its amazing to read every comments and respond here.

    Just 2 question from me. What the latest on HOME? Got all the approval yet?

    1. The application to run the HOME is made by The Ray of Hope. We were informed its still with the welfare department. The Ray of Hope has been requested to redraw and submit the floor plan. The welfare department is the final approval.

  63. Hopefully you all will get the approval this year.

  64. Hopefully you all get the green light soon. Fighting!

  65. I like the presentation of the story. Its like an inspiration.

    1. Even a simple comment got reply. You have a good PR manager by the way. Keep it up.

  66. I wonder what the latest about HOME?

  67. Time playing trick. It will get the approval soon. You guys wait for 24 years, maybe, maybe its still need a few little time for the star to shine brightly.

  68. Agree with you Annabella.
    Sometime we need to give time a little time.
    Don't forget to update us about HOME.
    It feels like we waiting for our new child to be born. Haha

    1. Lattest info we have today is that the Ray of Hope has made an appointment to see the local welfare director on Monday 4th December, 2017.

  69. Finger cross that everything will be okay and you'll get the green light as soon as possible.

  70. Many things happen in this journey, you should add in this story in your capsule. Will be a great example for the next generation.

    1. We shall Natalie once the approval is obtained and we officially launch the Lions Home.

  71. With all your effort and the pray,
    May God ease the way.

  72. Yes hopefully all will go well today. Keep the spirit up!

    1. The Ray of Hope informed us that the Welfare Director himself is looking into the matter and they hope to have some good news soon.

    2. Hopefully there will be good news in this xmas seasons!!

  73. Finger cross everything will be okay. Hopefully we can read The Home: Part Two this new year.

  74. I send you my prayer my friends.

    First and last step usually the very challenging one. But the result will be amazing.

    1. Thank you Lion Weng Hung for your kind words and prayers.

  75. It nearly xmas. How the prpgress so far? :)

    1. We have been informed by the Ray of Hope that it is in the final stage at the Welfare Department.

  76. Amazing story. A dream that come true. Looks like maybe we have to unwrap this gift on your 52nd Anniversary? Who know right??

    1. You may be right, Samantha. X'Mas is fast approaching.

  77. You've wait for 24 years, I think to wait for few more months doesn't hurt isn't it, as long as the result is what we wish for. It's also give you some time to planning for the grand opening caremony. Good luck.

  78. Hoe is it so far? No update yet?

    1. Unfortunately no, Annabelle.
      Beginning of the year everybody is busy. Hopefully we shall have some news by the end of this month.

  79. Dear Annabella and all.

    Just received the disappointing news that the application to the welfare department was rejected.

    It seems the application had to be made to both the welfare and education department simultaneously by the Ray of Hope.

    The Ray of Hope will be submitting a fresh application soon.

  80. OMG.

    Its gonna take some more time I guess, but nevermind, the fight not end yet. Dont let your spirit down for this small matter.

    P/s: submit it again ASAP.

  81. Procedure sometimes a bit tricky here and there, but maybe it has it own reason for it. So dont give up. You guys already doing it for 24 years so just a few monts wont hurt right.

  82. Submit it again. ASAP. :)

    With love and pray from Croatia.

  83. The Ray of Hope will be submitting the application as soon as possible Melinda, Jaeseop and Dora.

    We togather with all of you on the sidelines can only hope and pray they get it right this time.

  84. Hopefully this time we dont have to wait this long. Finger cross.

  85. Sending prayers from S.Africa.

    Don't give up yet. Just a teeny tiny hitch there.

  86. Thanks for your advice and support Najiha and Una.

  87. Hopefully all well this time.

    Just a suggestion, why not you guys put up one post to update us about the progress of Lions Home, when I want to comment on your post, i just scroll to last comment then I wonder why those few last post suggest your club to resubmit again. I need to read few comments to know what happen. So maybe one special post about update can let us know whats new about Lion Home.

    I hope you can consider my suggestion.


    1. We shall take up your proposal Nikki and get this organised soon.

  88. 1. They will get the approval. Keep on supporting. Its just a minor challange.

    2. I am with Nikki on this. Please make one post just for the update :)

    1. We couldn't agree more Sumitha.

      We have waited for years and years. Whats a few months.

  89. Dont stop yet, keep on doing it. God will do the rest!

  90. Learn from the 1st try. Do better n pray.

    I hope all when well this time.

    1. Dear Shasha and Dimi,

      The Ray of Hope has requested us to settle this years rates and fill up a form for them to reapply.

      We are getting all these done this coming Monday.

  91. You guys really inspire others. Please continue with the good deeds.

  92. This is a very heartwarming story.


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