Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Soup Kitchen Project (Relieving the Hunger)

Project was carried out at Masjid Paloh, Jalan Dato’, Ipoh. 80 food packets were distributed to children and adults by Lions members.

The Lions present were OC Eugene Ong, 1st Vice President Christopher Chew, 2nd Vice President Jimmy Chua, Membership Chairperson PP T. Sriskanda and son.


  1. Is it a weekly activity?? If it is, i love the effort of your club members to continue in doing this meaningful project. Whats the secret behind it? Motivation?

    1. Yes. It is a weekly project. We strongly believe in the motto "WE SERVE". Yes, motivated to play a role however small it is to serve the needy.

  2. Good day Lions Club of Ipoh Host.
    Greetings from Phg.

    First of all, I do admire your club commitment in various projects and activities.

    Sorry, can I ask a question about Soup Kitchen Project. I just want to know in order to organise such activities, do we need to obtain a consent/approval from state? City council?

    Sorry to disturb you with such question, I would like to propose kind of same project to my club, so I need to do some research.

    Sorry again and thank you in advance.

    1. Dear Annie,

      It all depends on where you are carrying out the project. If in a private area like us in Masjid Paloh compound you do not need any approval.

      If in a public area you would need consent from city council and also the welfare department. Thats what we encountered when we enquired about doing it in a public area.

    2. Thank you very much.

      I honestly didnt know where to start, just google up. On last term I do notice that your club organize 34 Soup Kitchen Project. It kinda inspiring (I read it on your previous blog and figure that you'll more likely will answer if I ask in your current blog)

      Thank you for your explanation again. I appeciate it. Thank you.

  3. Kudos to your club who always inspire others!

  4. Great job! Glad to see there's still NGO committed to social service.


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