Friday, 10 November 2017

Legacy Project at SMK Idris Shah

Seven Lions member attended the opening Ceremony of the motorcycle and bicycle garage at SMK Idris Shah. This is the Legacy Project organised by Lions Club of Ipoh Host and Leo Club of Idris Shah Sec School. The ribbon cutting ceremony was also attended by YDP PIBG of the school, Mr. Ahmad Termizi.

In her speech, President Emily Kong said the LCIH was looking forward to organise more meaningful project with the Leo Club and the school.


  1. This is the garage where they do an event in that day right? Wah so happy to see your project going so well and benefit other too. Congratulation on making such a good impact about Lions and Leos club. Roar!!!

  2. Idris Shah School and their Leo Club sure lucky to have you as sponsor and they are great too. This event sure showcase their appreciation towards LCIH. This is a great bond. Keep it up. And Leos, dont just stop as Leo, continue to be a Lion.

    Roar! Roar! Roar!


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