Monday, 26 February 2018

Leo Club of Idris Shah 1st Meeting for 2018

Held on 26th February, 2018 at SMK Idris Shah, Gopeng.

Attended by President Emily Kong, Membership Chairperson cum Leo Advisor PP T. Sriskanda and N. Rathakrishnan.

President Emily also presented Certificate of Appreciation to Leo Club of Idris Shah for their excellent participant in the project held at Pusat Kebajikan Orang Cacat, Gopeng on 31st January, 2018.


  1. You guys really live it up with your commitment. I think your club try your best to guide the Leos by attending their meeting. They need a guideline. Good job.

  2. Will be amazing if all your leo club attend 1 big project with their sifu then.

    1. Hopefully we can Wan Chong, since we have invited all our Leo Clubs to participate in the Family Charity Walk on 25th March, 2018.

  3. True. Idris Shah Leo Club seem to be the most active leo club under LCIH.

    1. We cant say the most active Que M.But they certainly are active and obedient Leos.


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