Thursday, 26 April 2018

Leo Club of Sam Tet Monthly Meeting

The Leo Club of Sam Tet held their monthly meeting at their school at 2pm.

Leo Advisor R. Jeyasingam attended the meeting.


  1. You guys really did work your word.

    Congratulations and keep it up.

    Is most of LCIH members male?

    1. Thanks Eunice.

      We are doing our best with our Leos.

      We only have 8 female members in our club of 61 members at the moment. President Emily being the most senior at 6 years.

  2. Oh thats why most of time we see lots of male members. Is it a option for female members to join Lions or Lioness? Is there a different between both? Sorry, im new about this.

    1. Lioness is a thing of the past now Olivia. Lions International does not recognise Lioness clubs now.

      The Lioness were encouraged to join Lions club or change their status from Lioness to Lions club.

      Ours was a all males club until 2012. We are trying our best to recruit more female members.


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