Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Soup Kitchen (Relieving the Hunger Project)

Attended by President Emily Kong, OC Eugene Ong, Membership Chairperson PP T. Sriskanda and Club LCIF Coordinator PP Peter Lip.

75 food packets and drinks were distributed to the poor at the Paloh Mosque, Ipoh.


  1. Mayday! Mr. Rathakrishnan is missing this week.

    1. Lions Club of Ipoh HostThursday, April 19, 2018

      We still do not know why Lion Ratha was MIA but Lion Jimmy Chua is away on holidays.

  2. Lions Club of Ipoh Host,

    I think you already have a member of your fanclub (Jaeseop & Brian) Haha.

    1. We knew along time ago that Jaeseop was intending to start a LCIH fan club, Famiza.

      Later Brian joined in.

      Looks like we are really blessed with one in South Korea and another in New Zealand.

  3. Don't forget 2nd Vice President Jimmy Chua, usually he is a twin in Soup Kitchen Project together with OC Eugene Ong. Haha

    1. As mention in our reply to Jaeseop, he is on holiday with his wife and not his twin, EO.

    2. EO? Haha really fun to communicate with you guys.

      Admin seem like a guy, but the neatness in answering, like a lady. I'm so confius.
      (P/s: I have a feeling that Admin will pass off this para. Haha)

      Poor EO, he been left behind by JC. Haha

    3. Just this once Yuhanis. I am sure after this EO will tag along.

  4. Oh my, please dont think of us as a stalker. ;p

    It is fun to talk to you Admin, thank you for answering all our normal and abnormal questions.

    Ah, I am a charter member of the fanclub. ;p

    Thank you. Have a nice day. Haha

    P/S - how did you know I'm from New Zealand? Did I told you before? I can't remember it.

    1. Looks like the tables have been turned Brian.

      We are the stalkers and you are the victim.

  5. Oh wow. Im getting a goosebumps here. Haha

    So admin is also a stalker?

    I really in wonder, who is your Admin.

    I think a few lady name on history or Lions Home entry also a charter member of your fanclub. Haha

  6. So after this EO will tag along JC? In holiday?

    Oh my dear, you're a good stalker.

    Please remember, I'm so glad that I know you ;)

    Admin, can we go on date if I ever come to Ipoh? Haha

    1. Ok Brian. We shall try to grant you your wish when you reach ipoh.

  7. Did you check on Mr. Rathakrishnan? ;)

    This entry show that there is still kindness in this world. And theres a group of people who doing it as if it is normal to them.

    And those comments in here are very hilarious. *clap clap clap*

    1. Thanks for your concen Qwein. Ln Ratha had extra classes at the same time as soup kitchen.

  8. Its a deal then. Haha

    So how your Leo Charter Day?


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